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About David Gray

About David Gray


David Gray - Born and raised in southern Indiana, David Gray’s love affair with airplanes, aviation, and history began as a small child. As a young boy, he’d ride his bike to the local airport to dream and play in a derelict C-119 cargo plane. Too young to fly, Gray turned to paper and pencil to fulfill his fascination with aviation and history, and began drawing airplanes, ships, and epic battle scenes in the second grade

Gray’s love of flying transcends time and technology. He’s flown military, commercial, and private as well as historic and contemporary aircraft, including military and commercial turboprops, both assault and rescue helicopters, corporate jets, commercial airlines, and warbirds. He’s also a noted aviation archaeologist, amateur historian and avid movie prop collector.

Gray counts his three children, Eric, Kelly, and Matthew, as his greatest productions to date.


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