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About Don Feight

About Don Feight



Don Feight - Don Feight specializes in planes that most other artists do not paint. His series of Navy and Coast Guard prints fills a niche for many pilots who cannot find a print of their Special Plane. 

Don and Paula Feight established his studio in 1994 inspired by the aerospace and aviation art Don was producing at his job at Lockheed Martin. Don has worked at Lockheed Martin for over thirty-six years as a graphic artist.

Airplanes have been a lifelong passion from his early years living on Air Force bases, model building, and drawing airplanes, through the eventual building and flying of a homebuilt Glasair RG aircraft later as an adult.

Much of the inspiration for Don's aviation art comes from his experiences as a pilot. The low-level flight over the water in "Madman," the blue hole in the dark storm clouds in "Lightning," and the spinning ground in "Performance" are a few examples of experiences of actual flying used to produce aviation art images. He also does aerobatic and Nostalgic prints - and his two new releases "Beaver Tales" and "Cub Country" are two of my favorite prints:



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