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About Joe Szady

About Joe Szady


Joe Szady - Growing up in a small Massachusetts town in the 50’s, Joseph remembers watching F-86 Sabres climb into the sky from Westover Field, near his father’s home town. “I can still hear the loud roar – those memories give me goose-bumps”. Joseph attended the University of Notre Dame, where he participated in football, boxing, and rugby before graduating in 1973. He attended Ray-Vogue School of Art, and received the Illustrator’s Award in 1977 and 1978, before graduating in 1978. His aviation assignments include: the U.S. Navy, General Electric, and the Harris Corporation. Joe’s paintings hang in private collections, Kirtland AFB, the NM Veteran’s Museum, and soon at the National Atomic Museum in Albuquerque. Joseph lives in Albuquerque with his wife, Linda, who supports her husband through involvement in PAPA, Inc., which promotes Joseph’s aviation art.


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