Panel Size: 18" x 40" (wing not included)
Plane Specs: B-17G-15-BO 42-31353
Squadron: 322BS, 91BG, 8th AF
Please allow a 4-6 week lead time on these panels... Order Early!
Plane Type: B-17G Flying Fortress
This aircraft from the 322BS, 91BG, 8th AF participated in the first large daylight raid on Berlin on 6 March 1944. It was later passed on to the 323BS in early April and subsequently downed by flak over 'Big B' on April 29. Only half the crew survived. The art work was done by Tony Starcer modeled after the September 1943 Varga calendar girl. (wing not included) PLANE JUNKIE - "Queenie" Nose Art Panel (B-17G Flying Fortress)