During the thirty years prior to World War I, the Kaiser’s Imperial Germany provided some of the finest examples of military fashion ever seen. The light cavalry, or Hussars, on parade were among the most elaborate and colorful regiments in military history. It was a time of regimental loyalty, honor and distinction. This two-volume set provides a lavishly illustrated reference – with over 600 color and black and white photos – of Hussar busbies, tunics, trousers, horse accessories, steins, and swords of the twenty hussar regiments. These volumes are an excellent full-color photo reference to an era of military fashion long gone. The second volume covers the 10th through 20th regiments and includes the colorful 10th, Brunswick 17th, and Saxon regiments. Chapters on the uniform accessories (bandoliers and boxes), swords, steins, and rank and regimental insignia are also included. Each regiment has a chapter with full-page photos of the parade uniform, period black and white photos, and various regimental accessories.
ISBN13: 9780764320613 | Binding: hard cover